Opinions of conservatoire part-time junior secondary school final year ballet students’ parents on ballet training and their children who want to choose a ballet career

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Conservatory, ballet education, part time ballet students, ballet training institutions


The purpose of this study was to understand and interpretive the opinions of the parents of lower school 8th grade ballet students studying at Akdeniz University Antalya State Conservatory on a part-time basis about the ballet education that their children attended, and to reveal what their views would be when their children wanted to choose as a profession. One of the qualitative research methods, the holistic single case design was used in the study. The sample of the research consisted of 6 parents of students who studied part-time as 8th grade at Akdeniz University Antalya State Conservatory Ballet Main Art Branch in Antalya province. In this study, the data were analyzed using individual interview forms and document analysis. The research results contained findings that reflected the opinions of the parents of the students. These findings shed light on the expectations of the parents of part-time ballet students from the education they attended, the problems they experienced due to the education and how these problems could be solved.


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How to Cite

Aksoy, A. N. (2022). Opinions of conservatoire part-time junior secondary school final year ballet students’ parents on ballet training and their children who want to choose a ballet career. Journal of Action Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7238288