Challenges faced by school administrators in school management

This study aims to examine the challenges school administrators in Kepez district of Antalya face in their communication with teachers and the solutions they find to these challenges. The research was carried out in the Kepez district of Antalya and involved seven school principals. It is a qualitative study using phenomenological design and maximum variation sampling technique. The findings of the research indicate that school principals primarily focus on their legal responsibilities, strive to fulfill their managerial duties using available resources, and place importance on the structure based on tasks and responsibilities. While struggling with limited resources and bureaucratic obstacles, principals develop various strategies to establish effective communication with teachers and maintain their motivation. However, the research also reveals that the process of making the school climate contributing to to learning and teaching is not given sufficient importance or is overshadowed by other structural and material issues. This situation can negatively affect student achievement and teacher satisfaction. In conclusion, school administrators must continuously develop both their managerial skills and communication strategies to adapt to these significant transformations in education.
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