The effect of the motivations of teachers who are working in the institution far from their residence address on their professional and private lives

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Teachers, motivation, stress, distance, professional and individual characteristics


In this research, the effect of the motivation of teachers who had a long distance between their institution and their residence addresses and who travelled daily on their professional and private lives were studied. In the research, the problems of the teachers who worked in the district of Döşemealtı in Antalya province and who could not reside in the district of Döşemealtı due to different reasons were interpreted. Most of the teachers who participated in the interview stated that they experienced physical and mental distress while reaching the institutions where they worked, and that the effects made their lives difficult both materially and spiritually. Spending a lot of time in traffic while travelling, having the risk of having an accident on the road, having to be on the road in adverse weather conditions, waking up too early to reach their institutions, not having breakfast because they had to leave too early, not spending quality time with their children in their family life due to working hours. It was understood that not being able to spare time outside of school affected teachers negatively. It was found  that the reasons why the teachers did not reside in the district of Döşemealtı included the fact that their spouses' workplace was in the center, the educational status of their children, and the health institutions in the center were more diverse. It was seen that the travelling teachers had financial problems at first, and it was foreseen that the problems could be partially solved by making changes in the assignment and relocation regulations, providing service opportunities or giving a travel allowance in addition to their salaries in order to solve these problems.


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How to Cite

Tunel, E. (2022). The effect of the motivations of teachers who are working in the institution far from their residence address on their professional and private lives. Journal of Action Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research, 1(1).