Applying socio-ecological perspectives semantic networks in managing community conservation areas in Ghana

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  • Nana Owusu-Ansah Forestry Commission Training Centre, Post Office Box KS 6424, Kumasi



CREMA, phenomenological studies, semantic networks, sustainability


This study purpose was to identify key nature conservation themes and their semantic interrelationships that could be considered in the establishment and management of Community Resource Management Areas (CREMAs) in Ghana. A qualitative descriptive phenomenological approach was used to interview nine CREMA leaders from three different locations in northern Ghana. Seventeen major socio-ecological themes were identified under three nature conservation domains of: 1) conservation objectives, 2) risk management and 3) sustainable economic opportunities. Three semantic networks were developed under the central domains where the 17 themes served as labelled nodes interlinked with seven labelled links of: 1) is part of, 2) is associated with, 3) promotes, 4) produces, 5) is cause of, 6) is property of, and 7) contradicts. The study findings indicate that there are intricate interrelated socio-ecological issues that CREMA managers should understand and appreciate to attain sustainable benefits. The application of livelihood incentives, creating awareness and law enforcement are key activities managers must implement together with others to achieve sustainable benefits in the CREMAs.


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How to Cite

Owusu-Ansah, N. (2024). Applying socio-ecological perspectives semantic networks in managing community conservation areas in Ghana. Journal of Action Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research, 3(1), 1–20.