Metaphorical perceptions of nurses working in pandemic units about being a nurse during Covid-19: A mixed methods research

Covid-19 pandemic, Nursing, Metaphor analysisAbstract
The aim of the research is to examine the perceptions of nurses working in pandemic units about being a nurse during the Covid-19 process using the metaphor analysis method. The sample of the research consisted of 54 nurses who worked in pandemic units. In the research, the data transformation type of convergent mixed design, which is a mixed methods design in which qualitative and quantitative data are collected together, was used. 79.6% of the nurses participating in the research are between the ages of 26-35, 72.2% are women, 59.3% are single and 70.4% do not have children. In the study, nurses created 24 different metaphors about being a nurse during the Covid-19 process. The metaphors were collected in five conceptual categories: situation, action, animal, profession and object. It has been observed that metaphors generally evoke restriction of freedom, isolation, inauthenticity/meaninglessness, negative impact on the professional self-concept and worthlessness. A significant difference was detected in the object metaphors category with the variables of marital status and having children. There isn’t any significant difference was detected in the variables of gender, total years of work in the profession and the unit where nurses work. In light of these results; It was thought that nurses were very worn out during the pandemic process, experienced burnout, and their professional self-concept was damaged. In this context, it is recommended to support and strengthen nurses professionally and psychosocially during difficult processes such as pandemics.
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