Comparison of school readiness level of 66 months and 72 months old students just started primary school: A phenomenology study
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School readiness, primary school, teachers, studentsAbstract
This research aimed to understand and interpret the readiness level of students in different age categories (66 months and 72 months old) studying in the first year and the adjustment problems experienced in schools as the 4+4 arrangement, children 66 months and 72 months old had to study in the same class. Accordingly, the comparison of these students' preparation for school education is an important research problem. The sample of the research was composed of the guidance counselor of the school and 4 1st grade class teachers and 4 parents. As the data collection tool of the research; a semi-structured interview form was used. The research results aimed to understand and interpret cognitive, affective, psychomotor and social learning domains of the children, 66 months old and 72 months old, and whether there was a significant difference in the school-starting age of the children, 66 month olds and 72 months old. As a result of the research, it was found that students, 66 months old, were not enough to be ready for school in terms of their cognitive, affective, psycho-motor, social, and language development.
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