Problems faced by teachers working in secondary schools in socio-economic disadvantaged regions and suggestions for solutions: A case study

The aim of this research was to reveal the problems experienced by teachers working in secondary schools in socio-economic disadvantaged regions, the main reasons of the problems and the solutions they found, and to present a case analysis with findings and suggestions. This research is expected to contribute greatly to the emergence of problems that are constantly seen, heard or never known, and to understand the problems and the students who experienced these problems. It was carried out in a state secondary school with a population of students and parents from a socio-economically disadvantaged region in Bolvadin district of Afyonkarahisar Province. The sampling of the research consisted of teachers from 5 different subjects. As a result of this research, it was found that socio-economic problems in schools in the region that were the subject of the research affected the school, student success, absenteeism and education life. It was seen that the problems were caused by various reasons, and it was stated that these reasons were also noteworthy. In terms of education, it was understood that it was difficult to find fast and permanent solutions that this process could be cooperative and only the effects of reducing the problems could be possible.
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