Examining primary school teachers' views on critical thinking: A case study

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Critical thinking, teacher, elementary school, program


This research, which aimed to examine the views of primary school teachers towards critical thinking, was carried out in an embedded single case pattern of the case study based on qualitative data. In the study, “criterion sampling” technique, one of the purposeful sampling techniques in qualitative research, was used. In the study, fifteen primary school class teachers were included in the research on a voluntary basis. In the study, a semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool. In the analysis of the data of the study, theme, descriptive analysis and analytical generalization were used. Across the research, participants defined critical thinking as thinking in multiple directions, reasoning, and mental process. They stated that teaching critical thinking was important in terms of thinking differently, cognitive learning, and practice. They categorized critical thinking individuals as those with cognitive characteristics, mental skills, and those who can practice. Participants often use critical thinking as thinking skills and animation in the classroom. They stated that there were obstructive elements of critical thinking in terms of students, external factors and the program, that critical thinking did not currently exist in the program, and that philosophy and its paradigm should be determined and included in the program as an interdisciplinary course.


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How to Cite

Aybek, B., & Varlık, F. (2023). Examining primary school teachers’ views on critical thinking: A case study. Journal of Action Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research, 2(2), 12–22. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8318200