Evaluation of school principals by teachers in terms of ethics compliance: Phenomenological research

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  • Demet Dincdemir Ministry of National Education




Ethics, morale, school principal, education, manager


This research study aimed to investigate whether school principals behaved ethically while fulfilling their duties. A qualitative research design was used in the study. The data of the study were collected from 12 teachers working in a primary and secondary school affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Antalya by face-to-face interviews. The findings of the study showed that teachers defined ethics as the moral rules that regulated social life and that must be followed for the existence and continuity of social life, and they mostly associated ethics with the concepts of honesty, equality, truth and justice. Teachers had a perception that school principals acted unethically from time to time. Besides, the types of unethical behaviors most frequently exhibited by school principals were to discriminate among the personnel, not to treat the personnel equally and fairly, to abuse their authority for their personal interests, not to comply with the courtesy and etiquette while addressing their surroundings and to insult them. The findings showed that unethical behaviors of school principals affected education negatively, the school climate was negatively affected due to anxiety and fear, the environment of respect and trust disappeared, the quality of education decreased and academic success decreased. The findings also showed that the unethical behaviors of the school principals affected the teachers negatively, the work determination and motivation of the teachers decreased, the productivity decreased, and they were restless and unhappy. Finally, the teachers suggested that school principals should be selected with a merit-based system.


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How to Cite

Dincdemir, D. (2023). Evaluation of school principals by teachers in terms of ethics compliance: Phenomenological research. Journal of Action Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research, 2(1), 22–35. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7749986