Journal of Action Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research <p>Journal of Action Qualitative &amp; Mixed Methods Research [JAQMER] is an open access, online, double-blind peer reviewed, free of charge scholarly international journal and currently archieved by Open Journal Systems developed by the Public Knowledge Project. (PKP). <a href="">CLOCKSS</a> and <a href="">LOCKSS</a> systems have permission to collect, preserve, and serve this Archival Unit. It is published semi-annual (April and October). </p> <p>Each submission is double-blind peer reviewed by at least two referees who are experts in their field. The review result is reported to the author in three months. There is unlimited access to the published articles. The basic criterion for the publication of the study is being conformity to Malpraktis Decleration and the publication ethics located on the site. Another criterion for the review is that the methodology- knowledge constitutive interests (technical, hermeneutic and emancipatory) and paradigms (radical structuralist, functionalist, interpretive and radical humanist) in guiding research and qualitative or/and quantitative designs used- of the studies should be written in detail.</p> Ilhan Gunbayi en-US Journal of Action Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research 2822-6577 Metaphorical perceptions of nurses working in pandemic units about being a nurse during Covid-19: A mixed methods research <p>The aim of the research is to examine the perceptions of nurses working in pandemic units about being a nurse during the Covid-19 process using the metaphor analysis method. The sample of the research consisted of 54 nurses who worked in pandemic units. In the research, the data transformation type of convergent mixed design, which is a mixed methods design in which qualitative and quantitative data are collected together, was used. 79.6% of the nurses participating in the research are between the ages of 26-35, 72.2% are women, 59.3% are single and 70.4% do not have children. In the study, nurses created 24 different metaphors about being a nurse during the Covid-19 process. The metaphors were collected in five conceptual categories: situation, action, animal, profession and object. It has been observed that metaphors generally evoke restriction of freedom, isolation, inauthenticity/meaninglessness, negative impact on the professional self-concept and worthlessness. A significant difference was detected in the object metaphors category with the variables of marital status and having children. There isn’t any significant difference was detected in the variables of gender, total years of work in the profession and the unit where nurses work. In light of these results; It was thought that nurses were very worn out during the pandemic process, experienced burnout, and their professional self-concept was damaged. In this context, it is recommended to support and strengthen nurses professionally and psychosocially during difficult processes such as pandemics.</p> Belkıs Şimşek Kadriye Buldukoğlu Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Action Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research 2024-08-26 2024-08-26 3 2 8 22 10.5281/zenodo.12759997 An examination of doctoral dissertations in the field of educational administration in Turkey between 2012-2022 in terms of social paradigms <p>This study aimed to examine the distribution of doctoral dissertations in educational administration (supervision, planning, and economics) in the Department of Educational Sciences in Turkey between 2012 and 2022, regarding social paradigms. The systematic review design's systematic analysis type was used to search through the YÖK National Dissertation Centre database. As a result of the search, 172 doctoral dissertations were included in the scope of this study. The methodology sections of doctoral dissertations were analyzed according to research methods, research designs, data collection techniques knowledge-constitutive interests, philosophical movements, and social paradigms. In the study, it was found that the realism/modernism-based functional paradigm based on technical interest came to the fore, in this direction, the quantitative research method was the most used research method between 2012 and 2022, while idealism-based qualitative and pragmatism-based mixed method research have been used more by researchers since 2020. In addition, according to the research findings, only 10 of the researchers provided information about the philosophy and paradigm they were influenced by. In line with these results, it is recommended that researchers should follow the national and international literature, conduct their studies by following the paradigm transformation in this field, and inform the reader about the philosophy and paradigm on which the research is based in a way that reflects the world view of the researcher in their studies.</p> Baris Aksoy Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Action Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research 2024-08-26 2024-08-26 3 2 23 36 10.5281/zenodo.13342931 Violence against women: Definition, types and the role of men <p>Violence against women is still a social problem that needs to be solved in almost all societies because women have been more delicate, weak or more sensitive than men from past to present. In addition to business and social life, violence experienced especially in the marriage union, which is the basis of society, causes severe damage to family life. In this study, qualitative systematic review design with literature review variant were used to understand and to interpret the concept, types of violence against women and the role of men. As a result, it can be said that violence, which is a social problem, cannot be solved only by legal regulations for women who are victims of violence, men who perpetrate violence should also be a part of this solution and it is important for women to have economic independence at every stage of their lives.</p> Mesut Görücü Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Action Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 37 49 10.5281/zenodo.13360491 Rigor in qualitative research <p>Numerous studies have been published on the rigor of qualitative research, presenting both shared and differing concepts, definitions, and approaches. In this editorial on rigor in qualitative research, the author aims to clarify these concepts by drawing on literature, mainly from Guba (1981) and Lincoln &amp; Guba (1985), as well as his own research experiences, providing examples to illustrate key points.</p> Ilhan Gunbayi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Action Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 3 2 1 7 10.5281/zenodo.13256320